Archive for September, 2008

Messy Surprise

Tuesday, September 30th, 2008 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah and I were playing on the sofa tonight.  She was sitting on my tummy while I was laying on the couch.  We were having a grand old time until I felt something wet on my shorts.  I looked down thinking it was some drool or something, but it turned out to be Sarah’s poop and a lot of it.   It turned out that the poop travelled to the back of her diaper and then leaked up onto her back and then onto my shirt and shorts.  Ewwwww…  You’d figure she would’ve complained or something, but she didn’t.  She just kept playing like there was nothing wrong.  It was all over her clothes and mine so the only choice we had was to run to the bathroom and give her a shower and then a bath.  It wasn’t very fun, but the whole night was pretty memorable.

5 Month Visit

Saturday, September 13th, 2008 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah went for her 5 month doctor’s visit. She received 2 shots and surprisingly didn’t cry even a bit. Maybe she’s just used to getting her vaccinations now.

On another note, it’s surprising how well she sits up now. During Aliyah’s party, she couldn’t sit more than a minute or two before toppling over. Two days later, she was balancing herself with no problems.

We also found that instead of just one tooth popping out, there’s two coming out on the bottom. We’re hoping she doesn’t feel too much pain during this process.

Aliyah turns 1!

Sunday, September 7th, 2008 | Uncategorized | No Comments

We celebrated Aliyah Cohen’s turning 1 year old today. Sarah got to attend her very first birthday party and she enjoyed every minute of it. She got to meet and play with other babies. She played with some of Aliyah’s toys and best of all, she got to sing and dance to some children’s songs courtesy of a guest that brought his Martin guitar. Of course “Itsy Bitsy Spider” was Sarah’s favorite song of the day.

Shot courtesy of Albert Poon @
The Cohen's

Cute Expression

Monday, September 1st, 2008 | Uncategorized | No Comments

I’ve been sick the past few weeks. Luckily Sarah didn’t get infected with anything. Not much has been happening lately. We all been enjoying each other’s company and loving life.

Sarah is a great joy to have and simple things as giving her a bath or feeding times is amazingly enjoyable. Talking about feeding, Sarah seems to enjoy her “real food” more than her forumla… not that you could tell that from some of the faces she makes ie. Sarah eating applesauce for the first time. Blanka has been giving Sarah some new foods and it’s fun to see Sarah’s reaction. So far, she’s had rice cereal, oatmeal, applesauce, bananas, prunes and avocado. Pretty soon she’ll be eating spaghetti and steak just like her daddy.

Sarah’s reaction to food…
Sarah Oh Eating


September 2008
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