Archive for October, 2008

Sarah’s First Halloween

Friday, October 31st, 2008 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah spent her first Halloween trick or treating with Grandma, Grandpa and Mommy. Daddy couldn’t get off work and when he finally left, he was stuck in traffic on the LIE with all lanes closed due to an accident. I was upset I couldn’t be with the family, but I was happy that Grandpa took a lot of photos.

Sarah about to say “Trick or Treat!”


Monday, October 27th, 2008 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah has always hated being on her tummy. Lately though, she’s been steadily hanging out more and more on her stomach. Today after dinner, the Oh family was gathered around Sarah trying to teach her how to crawl when she suddenly flipped over from her tummy to her back. She’s only flipped the other way from her back to her stomach so having her turn the other way was a huge deal. I got my video camera and we enticed her to flip again. It took a little coaxing on our part, a piece of ribbon and some complaining from Sarah, but she did it herself again. Yippee! Video to come later this week.

Upstate Trip Again

Sunday, October 26th, 2008 | Uncategorized | No Comments

The Oh family headed up to Steve and Irene’s house to hang out with friends. We had a great time seeing everyone.

Pictures can be found here.

Pictures of Sarah

Saturday, October 25th, 2008 | Uncategorized | No Comments

All pictures of Sarah can be found here. Please click on the link for each activity.

Pack N Play and New Kicks

Saturday, October 25th, 2008 | Uncategorized | No Comments

We took the bassinet assembly off Sarah’s Pack N Play today. We haven’t been using it since she got too heavy to put in it. Since then we’ve only used it as storage for her books and toys. We decided it was time to clean house and put things in their rightful place. In the end, Sarah really enjoyed having a play area and we were happy that she was in a safe place to hang out in.

On another note, Sarah got some new high tops yesterday. All her shoes would fall off within minutes of putting them on her feet. The new shoes featured laces as well as side zippers. Sarah tried them out while we went out shopping at Costco today and the shoes didn’t fall off at all.


Friday, October 24th, 2008 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah has been teething quite a bit lately. Her 2 top teeth have been coming in and have caused her to have many sleepless nights. This in turn has also caused mommy and daddy to have many sleepless nights. Not fun…

On another note, Sarah got to wear her new winter outfit today while going for a walk with grandpa in the morning. With all the frost on the ground, it was a great time to try out the new suit. Boy did she look cute!

Sarah Oh in her winter outfit

Sarah Oh Blog Version 2.0

Sunday, October 19th, 2008 | Uncategorized | 1 Comment

I guess you’ve noticed the redesign of Sarah’s blog. This is something I’ve been working on and off since she was born 6 months ago. It wasn’t until last week when I got the inspiration to finish up the redesign. I looked at the themes available and although they were all very pretty and nice, I didn’t want to use an off the shelf theme. I created this theme with a lot of personal touches. I wanted something friendly, soft, girly yet not too feminine. The color scheme and the rounded edges really worked with my requirements. The header image contains Lily of the Valley flowers… This specific flower was chosen since it holds a special place in our family’s heart.

I hope you enjoy the new site. Feel free to comment on it if you’d like. I know I haven’t finished inputting all my old entries into the wordpress blog, but I hope to be finished with that in a few days… or weeks.

Angela and Andrew’s Baby Shower

Sunday, October 19th, 2008 | Uncategorized | No Comments

We attended a baby shower for the Cohens who are expecting their first kid in about a month’s time. A wonderful time was had by all. Sarah especially enjoyed hanging out with all the babies and kids that were in attendance.

Pictures from the event can be found here.

Halloween Presents

Saturday, October 18th, 2008 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah received her first Halloween presents from her Godmother Maggie and family. In addition to a lot of cute clothes, she got a singing pumpkin. It was so cute to see Sarah’s reaction to the soft, singing toy. At first, Sarah was laughing and playing with it… She then realized that the toy had a face which totally threw her for a loop.

Sarah Sick

Thursday, October 16th, 2008 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Blanka stayed home today because Sarah was sick. Sarah had a fever of up to 103 degrees.


October 2008
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