Archive for November, 2008

New Toy

Sunday, November 30th, 2008 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah has tons of toys she can play with, but for some reason, she really enjoys playing with Daddy’s toys.

She can probably beat me in Gears of War…
Sarah with xbox controller

Thanksgiving 2008

Thursday, November 27th, 2008 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah celebrated her first thanksgiving by helping grandma and grandpa season their turkey. She woke up early in the morning to watch the parade with us and then waited patiently for her cousins to come over for a thanksgiving brunch. She enjoyed playing with all of us on this holiday and didn’t cry too much around her cousins. She took to John very quickly, but Peter didn’t get the nod of approval for a while. Sarah even got to try her first taste of thanksgiving turkey!

Pictures can be found here.

Watching the 2008 Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Sarah Meets Santa!

Tuesday, November 25th, 2008 | Uncategorized | No Comments

We took Sarah to see Santa at Roosevelt Field mall. We were worried she would be frightened of the large bearded man in the funny red suit, but she took it all in stride. Although a bit weary of the new face, she didn’t cry or act up. She sat on Santa’s lap and behaved herself while the photographer took a few quick shots. The Christmas season is in full swing now. Can’t wait to see what Santa brings Sarah for her first ever Christmas.

Sarah Oh meets Santa

Jasmine Cohen

Thursday, November 20th, 2008 | Uncategorized | No Comments

A big congratulations to our good friends Angela and Andrew on the birth of their daughter, Jasmine Samantha Cohen. Born today and weighing in at 6lbs. 15oz. More info to come as I get it in.

Sarah’s New Jersey

Sunday, November 16th, 2008 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Blanka and I bought Sarah a NY Giants Jersey at Babies R Us yesterday. After a washing, we put it on her and enjoyed watching the Giants vs. Ravens game this afternoon. Sarah really seemed happy with her new clothes and we couldn’t get enough of her cuteness in it. To top it all off, the Giants won 30-10. Go big blue!

Pictures of Sarah wearing her new Eli Manning #10 jersey can be found here.

Watching the game.

Checking out the new duds.

Getting Ready for Christmas

Saturday, November 15th, 2008 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Every year, my parents put up their Christmas tree the weekend before Thanksgiving. This year, we realized that Thanksgiving was coming late in the month and decided to put up the tree a week early. Sarah had a blast playing with the ornaments, looking at the lights, listening to our traditional Bing Crosby Christmas CD and wearing her 1st ever Santa hat. Grandma and Grandpa even gave Sarah her first presents – a few hats for the cold weather to come.

Pictures of the event can be found on

7 Month Doctor’s Visit

Saturday, November 15th, 2008 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah went in for 7 month doctor’s visit. She didn’t get a full checkup, but did get 2 vaccinations. While we were waiting for the doctor to come into the room, we weight Sarah. She came in at 19lbs. 9oz. She sure is getting heavy.

7 Months Old!

Sunday, November 2nd, 2008 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah turned 7 months old today. It’s amazing how time flies when you’re having fun.

Sarah is 7 Months Old!


November 2008
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