Archive for December, 2008

Sick Sarah

Tuesday, December 30th, 2008 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah got her first cold.  She wasn’t feeling that great for a few days.  She’s been quiet and cranky.  She’s been coughing and not wanting to play.  We took her to the doctor’s office to make sure it wasn’t anything more serious and sure enough, he told us that she’d get over it quickly without any interference from us.

Look how miserable she looks… still very cute. lol.

This was Sarah while Blanka was chatting on the phone.

X-mas Gifts

Sunday, December 28th, 2008 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah received many gifts this year from friends and family alike. In addition to books, riding toys, penguin banks and clothes, she got a variety of musical instruments. Santa brought Sarah a piano, Grandma and Grandpa got her drums and my coworker got her a guitar. Sarah is a one baby band now!

To top off all her gifts, we’ve finally figured out why Sarah’s been not her happy calm self. Her two top teeth are coming out. No wonder she’s been cranky all the time and why she hasn’t been able to sleep at night. Hopefully she’ll get back to normal in a few short weeks.

Pictures of Sarah opening all her gifts can be found here.

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 25th, 2008 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

Sarah meets Santa

Britax Boulevard CS

Sunday, December 14th, 2008 | Uncategorized | No Comments

We decided that Sarah was just too big to fit in her infant seat anymore. She barely fit in the seat with a light coat let alone a thicker winter coat. The harness couldn’t even reach the snaps without taking everything off Sarah except her shirt and pants. We went to buy buy baby to purchase the Britax Boulevard CS. My buddy that works there recommended any Britax seat, but he particularly liked this Boulevard CS due to the advanced features it had. We got lucky when we got there that there was one seat in stock in the color we wanted. We then took the opportunity to purchase a few Christmas gifts for Sarah.


Saturday, December 13th, 2008 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah used to give high 5’s to me and Blanka whenever she was happy. She’s learned to go one step further by waving high and goodbye to anything and everything.

Every day after her nighttime bath, I’d wave goodbye to Sarah as mommy took her for bedtime and I’d clean up her tub. So for the past 8 months or so, Sarah’s seen the same movement from me night after night. One night, she decided to raise her hand and keep it up. This led to the high 5 phase. It came in real handy for all the football games we’d watch. Soon after, she learned that she could do a high 5 slap and make a noise which made her even happier. I mean, who wouldn’t like making a slapping sound with their hands?

A few weeks ago, while leaving for work, she was being held by grandpa and as I waved at her, she raised her hand and started waving back. It was pretty dang cool, but I didn’t put much weight on one wave. A week or so ago, she started doing it regularly. Bathtime high 5’s turned into waving sessions- “hi daddy”, “hi mommy”, “hi light on the ceiling”.

Sarah would see me or Blanka in the distance and she’d yell and then wave all the while having a big smile on her face. Yesterday, she looked at each ornament on the christmas tree and waved at all the ones that appealed to her. It was soooo cute.

Maybe when you see Sarah next, she’ll wave hi to you. 😉

Sitting Up!

Tuesday, December 9th, 2008 | Uncategorized | No Comments

After dinner, I went downstairs to pick up baby Sarah from grandma and grandpa. Upon entering their room, grandpa informed me that Sarah sat up twice from a lying position. Although I believed them, I didn’t think I would see it first hand for a few days. When I put Sarah on the bed, she flipped over on her tummy, then pushed her torso up. She tucked her legs under her tummy and pushed her entire body up into a sitting position. Blanka came downstairs and watched teary eyed at our baby girl growing up. Sarah did it a few more times for good measure and we could tell she was extremely proud of herself. You should’ve seen the smile on Sarah’s face… totally precious!

8 Month Doctor Visit

Monday, December 8th, 2008 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Blanka took Sarah to the doctor’s office for her 8th month vaccinations. Although it wasn’t a full checkup, Blanka managed to get Sarah on the scale. She weighed in at a whopping 20.2 lbs! She’s getting so big that she barely fits in her car seat anymore. We’re in the process of researching a convertible car seat for our big girl.

Visiting Maddie and Jasmine

Saturday, December 6th, 2008 | Uncategorized | No Comments

We drove to Queens early on Saturday morning to attend a brunch at Maddie’s house. There were several babies in attendance and Sarah really enjoyed interacting with them. We then headed over to meet baby Jasmine. She was so adorable! It was a fun filled day with babies and good friends.

Pictures are here.

Baby Jasmine

Sarah’s Early X-mas Present

Friday, December 5th, 2008 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah was so happy when she found a large box in our living room. It turned out to be an early Christmas present from Aunt Linda. The beautifully wrapped box contained an awesome Rudolf (you know the reindeer) doll. We could tell Sarah really enjoyed her gift… she kept biting Rudolf’s nose and antlers.

The box. Sarah loved playing with the ribbon!

Sarah heard that Rudolf guides Santa’s sleigh.

Getting Ready For Christmas

Monday, December 1st, 2008 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah’s been such a great help by assisting in setting up lights and decorations for Christmas.

Pictures can be found here.

Sarah checking every bulb.

Our finished tree.


December 2008
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