Archive for March, 2009

Sarah Needs to Have Patience

Sunday, March 29th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

The other day, Blanka and I came home to find a large box in our living room. Sarah was excited to see what it was and when we opened the brown box we were surprised to see an early birthday present from Aunt Maggie and Uncle Chris. Sarah desperately wanted to open the present, but mommy told her she needed to wait until her actual birthday. After a few short minutes of fighting Sarah off the colorful box, mommy put the present downstairs to keep it away from our impatient baby.

Sarah Oh Present

Sarah Oh Present

Madison’s B-day Party

Saturday, March 28th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah helped celebrate Madison’s 1st birthday at the Little Gym in Queens. She loved meeting and playing with all the kids that attended the party. She especially enjoyed eating her first ever pizza and cupcake. The few pictures of the event that I took can be found here. Video footage will take some time for me to do.

Madison's bday party

Madison's bday party

Some Cool Foods

Saturday, March 28th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah’s been eating a lot of cool foods lately. It started with eating some of grandma’s homemade dumplings and then it moved on to a meal of corned beef and cabbage for St. Patty’s day and then a bucket of KFC.

Here are some pics of her eating adventures.

Grandma’s mandu (dumpling).
Sarah Oh eating a dumpling

Sarah getting ready to eat corned beef. She couldn’t get enough of it. In fact she didn’t want to eat any of her regular food.
Sarah Oh eating corned beef

Mmmmm… KFC!
Sarah Oh eating KFC

Sarah’s Dol-bok (Hanbok)

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

The entire Oh family drove to Flushing, Queens to purchase a Dol-bok, a traditional Korean dress, for Sarah’s 1st birthday. We had several dresses to choose from and in the end, it was picked unanimously by Sarah, Blanka and myself.

The traditional dress came complete with dress, purse, headpiece and even booties. The ladies in the store also through in a long piece of string. Apparently my folks were desperately looking to buy this string, which signified long life and didn’t know where to get one. It was by sheer luck that the store had it and threw it in for free. Sarah also got a new pillow filled with buckwheat husks so that grandpa didn’t have to share his pillow with her.

After the dress shop, we drove to a jeweler on Northern Blvd. and got Sarah a gold ring to give her on her b-day. This too was a traditional item that my parents told us we needed to get.

All in all, it was a quick day filled with a lot of shopping. We accomplished a lot of what needed to be done for Sarah’s first b-day and were happy we got to spend time together during a wonderfully sunny day.

Pictures can be found here.

Sarah in her Dolbok

Some Random Pics

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Here are some random pics.

Sarah didn’t enjoy going to visit the accountant for the first time. I’ll have to agree with her and next year, we’ll probably find ourselves a new one.
Sarah Oh

Sarah trying on some snow boots.
Sarah Oh trying on snow boots

One of Sarah’s favorite foods is blueberry pancake.
Sarah Oh and blueberry pancake

Perfect Spring Day

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Wouldn’t you know it. After one of the biggest snow storms in recent memory, we had a perfect spring day one week later. It was so nice that Sarah went outside in her fleece sleeper to play. She didn’t even want to change first! While she hated being outside in the snow in her snowsuit, she LOVED being out in the 60 degree weather. She crawled around the front yard. She did some “gardening” by chewing on mulch and playing with some left over leaves in the flower garden and just enjoyed the day.

The Oh family hanging outside

Big Snowstorm

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

We got a big snowstorm on March 2nd. We received a total of 11 inches here on the island and it was enough to close my office for the first time since I started working there over 11 years ago. We hung out indoors in the morning and then headed outside to clear off the snow before it froze over.

Sarah Oh hanging out indoors

Sarah didn’t particularly enjoy being in her snow suit.
Sarah Oh snow suit

She didn’t particularly like being out in the snow either.
Sarah Oh and Brian Oh outside in the snow

The good thing about being outdoors. I got to try out my new Canon Hf10 camcorder outside and even made a short video of our adventure outside.

Sarah Playing in the Snow from BOH on Vimeo.

Standing and Walking

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah loves standing up while watching TV. She doesn’t like sitting around like a couch potato while watching her Dora the Explorer on the Noggin network. She stands great and never appears to get tired of just standing around. She’s standing on her own and can balance really well. She’s walking around holding onto stuff and is able to walk relatively well holding onto one of mommy or daddy’s hands.

Sarah standing around

Sarah Oh

Climbing the Stairs

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

I know it’s been a while, but lets see if I can update over a month’s worth of blog posts in the next few hours.  Sarah has been crawling around the house and has learned to standup, walk with assistance and even to climb our stairs to get to the bedrooms.   While I have a gate to prevent her from falling down the stairs to my parents apartment, I have yet to find a suitable gate to keep Sarah from going upstairs.  I guess the search will have to continue with due diligence.

Sarah Oh climbing the stairs


March 2009
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