Archive for July, 2009

Broadway Mall

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah went to the Broadway mall today with mommy. She got to play in the children’s play area for a while and did some shopping for clothes. I’m surprised they could fit all the clothes in the car… yeah that’s how much they bought!

Sarah Oh

Sarah Oh

Sarah Oh

Sarah Oh

Sarah and the iPhone

Tuesday, July 21st, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

While staying home on Tuesday, Sarah learned how to turn on daddy’s iPhone. She learned that pushing the home button shows the slider and background image. She then learned that sliding the slider brings up the password page. Luckily, she hasn’t figured out my super secret password. 🙂

Sarah Oh and the iPhone

Dinner with the Poons

Monday, July 20th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah received a visit on Monday night from aunt Susan, grandma Poon and great grandma Poon. After a long day of shopping at the new Deer Park outlets, they stopped by to check out the new backyard and to dine on some Greek food. We ate outside on a really pleasant night. Sarah even had some salmon for dinner… I guess she enjoyed being fed by grandma Poon. 🙂 After dinner, we exercised off all those calories by running around the backyard chasing after the soccerball. A good time was had by all.

Poon Visit

Poon Visit


Sunday, July 19th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah had another busy day today. We woke early this morning to go to church in Queens. Our beloved minister was recently diagnosed with a severe illness and it was to be his last day in church before moving to another state so that he could be near family. We attended service, said our sad goodbyes and after many tear filled moments, we left church extremely downhearted.

The Oh family and Rev. Charles Brewster

We stopped by aunt Susan’s house for a bit of lunch and to catch up with each other. She had recently got back for missionary work in latin america and Sarah wanted to hear all about auntie Susan’s adventures. We dined on Japanese and Thai food and drank some wonderful imported coffee. Since aunt Susan graciously provided lunch, I offered to install her window AC. I think I got the better end of the deal since it took me all of 2 minutes to put it on her window opening.


Aunt Susan also gave Sarah a wonderful little elephant that she picked up while down in Guatemala.

When we finally arrived home, Sarah had one more surprise waiting for her. Grandma and Grandpa bought 2 pinwheels for Sarah since she was so intrigued by our next door neighbor’s. I guess they couldn’t stand her constantly pointing at the pinwheel in my neighbor’s yard and putting her arms out wide signaling she wanted it. Of course, we had to take those pinwheels to the back and run around for an hour making them spin while she laughed hysterically.
Sarah Oh

Check Up and Maialee’s Party

Saturday, July 18th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah got her 15 month check up on Saturday. She weighed in at 24lbs 12oz and measured 31 1/4 inches. Both numbers were at 75th percentile for her age group. She received two shots that she hated!

After coming home and resting for a little bit, Sarah attended her friend Maialee’s 3rd year birthday party. Sarah enjoyed playing in the pool and watching the magician do his act. She had such a busy day that she had to leave early to get her rest. She got an early bath and went to bed very early.

Pictures from the event can be found here.

Sarah Oh at Maialee's Party


Tuesday, July 14th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah is trying to jump these days. She reaches for the sky, bends her knees and explodes up… she proves that she’s her daddy’s girl inheriting my basketball hops… she gets all of a zero inch vertical jump. At least she’s trying.

Here’s Sarah practicing her jumps.
Sarah Jump

The 3rd of July

Friday, July 3rd, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah got to play with her friends Madison and Jasmine on Friday. The original plan was to go upstate to uncle Steve’s house for some blueberry picking fun, but it turned out that the farm we were going to was not yet open for the season so the babies came by to check out the new backyard.

After a quick bbq, the babies changed into their swim trunks while we waited for what seemed to be 2 hours for the blow up pool to inflate. Finally the babies were able to gofor a dip in the blowup pool we bought from Target a few weeks back. Maddie loved playing in the water, but Sarah preferred to stay outside of the pool and just splash from the sidelines. Baby Jasmine chilled poolside while the other kids played with their toys.

Pics from the day can be found here.

July 3rd get together

Visit from Aliyah

Thursday, July 2nd, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah got a visit from her friend Aliyah and her parents on Thursday.  Aliyah was in the area and decided to stop by for a playdate.  Luckily, I was home from work due to the July 4th holiday.   The 2 kids had fun feeding each other goldfish and then spent some time running around the new backyard until our pizza dinner arrived…just in time too because it started pouring out.

Pics can be found in the gallery section.

Aliyah comes for a visit


July 2009
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