Getting Ready for Easter

Saturday, April 11th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Saturday was a busy day for us. We tried to get up early, but the entire Oh family slept in until 8:30am – a first since Sarah was born. I don’t know if it was the rainy weather or just tiredness, but none of us could wake up.

Sarah had a doctor’s appt. in the morning for her 1 year checkup. We loaded up into our trusty Cr-V only to find that the battery was dead due to the back window being partially open and making the back light stay on for who knows how long. So off I went to get the jumper cables and our Civic. The jump didn’t take long at all, but I did get dirty and soaked from the downpour. We made it to the dr’s office on time and for the first time ever, Sarah cried when getting checked up. She didn’t enjoy the weighing, the measuring and especially the two vaccination shots. A week after her 1 year birthday, Sarah weighed in at 22lbs 15oz. with a height/length of 29 1/2 inches. Everything in the 75th percentile for her age.

We then went to the children’s eye dr’s office to make an appointment for a checkup. Sarah has been squinting every so often and when we mentioned it to the pediatrician, she said that either Sarah is playing or has some issue. In either case, it wouldn’t be bad to get it checked out. We made an appt. for sometime in May and got back into the pouring rain.

Well it turned out that our trusty Cr-V needed gas badly so I went to my local Citgo where I found that their awning didn’t block any rain at all. So for the entire time of filling up my totally empty car, I got soaked AGAIN. Not only that, gas spilled all over my pants. 🙁

We looked at the time and it was a little before 1pm and we had to go to Queens to get food blessed in the traditional Polish way. I wasn’t sure when the food blessing was going to happen at the RC church we were going to, but wanted to get there early just in case, the blessings stopped at a certain time. We rushed back home where Blanka quickly made up our Easter food basket and Sarah’s. We plugged the route into our GPS and drove on in the rain. The rain wasn’t too bad, but the directions were horrible. My Garmin decided to take us on local roads for most of the way and it seemed that there was a red light every 20 feet. HORRIBLE. So after 30 minutes of driving, we finally made it to church. We waited in the church for half an hour to get the food blessed. It was a bit different, but we were glad to get some Easter preparation done.

We drove home tired, hungry, wet but happy. We managed to get everything important done in what seemed to be a short day. By the time we got home and dried up, we looked outside and what was once a downpour was a light sprinkle. Go figure. Some Easter 2009 pics here.

Sarah’s Easter Basket
Sarah's Easter Basket

Sarah at church waiting to get her food blessed.
Sarah Easter Church

Sarah’s Photoshoot

Wednesday, April 8th, 2009 | Uncategorized | 1 Comment

My coworker came over today to do a photoshoot of Sarah in her traditional Korean dress. We left work a bit early, drove home quickly and set up in record time. She brought the backdrop, the monolights, light diffusers and her trusty Canon 5D, full sensor camera. The next 2 hours were filled with lots of screeming, funny faces and every thing imaginable to make Sarah smile. In the end, I think we got a few good shots at least. I won’t know for a little while, but as soon as I get my proofs, you’ll see it on the site. Until then, here are some behind the scenes shots.

Sarah Oh Photoshoot

Sarah’s Birthday Party

Sunday, April 5th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

We celebrated Sarah’s birthday again on Saturday with a few friends. We decorated a bit more and set out most of her toys so that she could play with them along with Aliyah, Madison and Jasmine. Sarah really enjoyed being with her friends and we had a great time with our friends. The weird thing was that both Blanka and I were so tired after the event. We’ve had many a party at our house in the past, but this birthday shindig tired us out like no other. Pictures from the event can be found here.

Sarah's birthday party

Sarah Oh Birthday Party

Sarah’s 1st Birthday!

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

We celebrated Sarah’s birthday today. The Oh family got together early in the morning to eat, celebrate and enjoy the day of Sarah’s birth. Grandma spent a long time cooking the past few days and planning for the Korean traditional festivities has been in the works for months. I’ll go more into details later on, but for now, here are the pics from today.

Sarah Oh's 1st Birthday

Sarah Oh 1st Birthday

Sarah Needs to Have Patience

Sunday, March 29th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

The other day, Blanka and I came home to find a large box in our living room. Sarah was excited to see what it was and when we opened the brown box we were surprised to see an early birthday present from Aunt Maggie and Uncle Chris. Sarah desperately wanted to open the present, but mommy told her she needed to wait until her actual birthday. After a few short minutes of fighting Sarah off the colorful box, mommy put the present downstairs to keep it away from our impatient baby.

Sarah Oh Present

Sarah Oh Present

Madison’s B-day Party

Saturday, March 28th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah helped celebrate Madison’s 1st birthday at the Little Gym in Queens. She loved meeting and playing with all the kids that attended the party. She especially enjoyed eating her first ever pizza and cupcake. The few pictures of the event that I took can be found here. Video footage will take some time for me to do.

Madison's bday party

Madison's bday party

Some Cool Foods

Saturday, March 28th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah’s been eating a lot of cool foods lately. It started with eating some of grandma’s homemade dumplings and then it moved on to a meal of corned beef and cabbage for St. Patty’s day and then a bucket of KFC.

Here are some pics of her eating adventures.

Grandma’s mandu (dumpling).
Sarah Oh eating a dumpling

Sarah getting ready to eat corned beef. She couldn’t get enough of it. In fact she didn’t want to eat any of her regular food.
Sarah Oh eating corned beef

Mmmmm… KFC!
Sarah Oh eating KFC

Sarah’s Dol-bok (Hanbok)

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

The entire Oh family drove to Flushing, Queens to purchase a Dol-bok, a traditional Korean dress, for Sarah’s 1st birthday. We had several dresses to choose from and in the end, it was picked unanimously by Sarah, Blanka and myself.

The traditional dress came complete with dress, purse, headpiece and even booties. The ladies in the store also through in a long piece of string. Apparently my folks were desperately looking to buy this string, which signified long life and didn’t know where to get one. It was by sheer luck that the store had it and threw it in for free. Sarah also got a new pillow filled with buckwheat husks so that grandpa didn’t have to share his pillow with her.

After the dress shop, we drove to a jeweler on Northern Blvd. and got Sarah a gold ring to give her on her b-day. This too was a traditional item that my parents told us we needed to get.

All in all, it was a quick day filled with a lot of shopping. We accomplished a lot of what needed to be done for Sarah’s first b-day and were happy we got to spend time together during a wonderfully sunny day.

Pictures can be found here.

Sarah in her Dolbok

Some Random Pics

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Here are some random pics.

Sarah didn’t enjoy going to visit the accountant for the first time. I’ll have to agree with her and next year, we’ll probably find ourselves a new one.
Sarah Oh

Sarah trying on some snow boots.
Sarah Oh trying on snow boots

One of Sarah’s favorite foods is blueberry pancake.
Sarah Oh and blueberry pancake

Perfect Spring Day

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Wouldn’t you know it. After one of the biggest snow storms in recent memory, we had a perfect spring day one week later. It was so nice that Sarah went outside in her fleece sleeper to play. She didn’t even want to change first! While she hated being outside in the snow in her snowsuit, she LOVED being out in the 60 degree weather. She crawled around the front yard. She did some “gardening” by chewing on mulch and playing with some left over leaves in the flower garden and just enjoyed the day.

The Oh family hanging outside


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