Coffee Cup

Sunday, February 1st, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah is really intrigued with Mommy’s coffee cup that has a picture of a little baby on it. She sees mommy drinking coffee out of it and really wants to try and she doesn’t understand why mommy won’t give her any. I’m sure Sarah will be a coffee addict like mommy and daddy when she’s older. 🙂

Sarah Oh Coffee Cup

Baby Gates

Friday, January 30th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

After countless nights of searching for the perfect baby gate online and in stores, I came to the realization that it didn’t exist. Reading reviews and talking to many parents with small kids left my head spinning and the funny thing was that everyone had their version of the perfect gate system.

Since Sarah’s been crawling around all over the kitchen, she started visiting the stairs that led down to grandma and grandpa’s place. I knew a gate was much more of a necessity and decided to go with any reasonably priced and well reviewed gate and that I’d “make it work”. I finally found a Dream Baby 2 gate value pack from Babies R Us for 99 bucks. It got decent reviews and the 99 dollar price tag seemed pretty good. It also came with 2 extensions and a free umbrella stroller. Perfect right? Well, not exactly. Due to the popularity of the gates, they were sold out constantly. Even when I signed up for the email alerts, I couldn’t get onto the site quickly enough to order them. One night while surfing the net, I visited and found that the gates were in stock again. I quickly ordered a set and got an extra 7.5″ extension and the umbrella stroller. So what was the final price? It definitely wasn’t 99 bucks. The tally came out to almost $170 due to the $30 shipping charge and the NY sales tax.

So when I finally installed the gate, I found that the gate was secure enough on my stair banister, but wasn’t too comfortable with the shakiness. I cut a 2×6 I had laying around and placed it on my stairs as an extra place to position the gate and now the gate is perfectly secure. Sarah can crawl around now and we won’t worry about her tumbling down the stairs. Yippee!

Sarah Oh baby gate


Tuesday, January 27th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Since purchasing her Baby Bjorn potty,  Sarah has actually learned to sit on it and actually “go”.  So far she’s done number 1 and number 2 in it.  Although, not consistantly, it’s pretty cool that she’s not afraid to “go” without her diaper.  It’s also really cool that she sits on the potty without complaining.  In true Oh family tradition, Grandpa Oh took pictures of her 1st “output”, but I won’t post them online.  You’ll thank me for it. 😉

Sarah Oh

Eating and Stuff

Sunday, January 25th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah tried her first pancake this morning. Even without any of the yummy maple syrup mommy and daddy had, Sarah enjoyed munching on the homemade flapjacks.

In addition to all the new foods, Sarah really enjoys drinking water out of the shower head… silly girl.

Babies R Us with the Cohens

Saturday, January 24th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

We met up with the Cohens at Babies R Us on Saturday.  While the women shopped, the men compared iPhones and hung out in the furniture section out of the way of all the people in the stores.  In addition to the variety of clothes and other misc items, Sarah came home with her very first potty.

Afterwards, we headed over to Bertucci’s for some much needed lunch where we dined on brick oven pizza and copius amounts of soda. Sarah even got to sit in her very first restaurant high chair. I’m sure it wasn’t as comfy as her chair, but she didn’t seem to mind at all.

Pictures can be found here.

Talking and Clapping

Monday, January 19th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah has been growing very quickly.  She’s been babbling for quite some time now.  She’s been going “mamama mamama mamama” and “papapapapapapa” for a few months, but I’ve never counted that as speaking.  A few times this past weekend, Sarah has said “mama” and “um ma” (Korean for mom) when ever she wanted to be picked up by mommy.   Now she’s not doing it consistantly, but she’s done it enough times and with intention to make me really feel like she’s speaking.

On another note, Sarah’s new activity is to clap for joy whenever she does something good.  I think she likes the “clapping” sound her hands make when she’s happy.

Sarah clapping

Sarah clapping

Test Post From iPhone

Sunday, January 11th, 2009 | Uncategorized | 1 Comment

This is the first mobile post from the iphone.

New Years Take 2

Sunday, January 4th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

So even though we couldn’t make it upstate on new years eve, we did manage to go up to Guon castle on Saturday. We got up early, packed up our gear and drove up in the morning right in time for lunch. Sarah got to hang out with Steve, Irene, Dan and Serena. Not only did we play with toys and video games, Sarah tried snowtubing for the first time ever. I had a hold of her while Steve gave us an initial push down his backyard hill. Although a lot of fun, I did worry that we were going to crash into the wooden stairs that laid at the bottom. At a few points while sliding down, I tried slowing us down with my hand while making sure not to drop Sarah. Luckily we made it down with no injuries. 🙂 Sarah made one more trip down the hill, but with mommy this time.

At the end of the day, we picked up some chinese food to eat while Sarah enjoyed watching Noggin in the family room. A great time was had by all.

9 Month Doctor Visit

Friday, January 2nd, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah went for her 9 month check up today. She received her vaccination shot even though she was a bit under the weather with her first cold. Sarah now weighs 19lbs 13oz and is 28 inches long. She came in at 75th percentile for all her measurements.

Sarah’s 1st New Years

Friday, January 2nd, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

We couldn’t make it upstate to hang out with friends for New Years eve, but we did get to stay home and enjoy our first New Years together as a family.   Blanka and I spent out time in our pjs waiting for midnight while watching Dick Clark’s rockin’ new years eve show.  Sarah was fast asleep, but did join in our festivities by being witih us via the baby monitor.

In the morning, we celebrated the new year with our traditional Korean bowing. Sarah bowed to the grandparents and then turned to bow to us. She crawled over to us to receive her new years money. Although she couldn’t partake in our mandoo gook or any other Korean dishes, she played happily while we ate.


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