
18 Month Checkup

Tuesday, October 6th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah just had her 18 month checkup. She cried a bunch, but was a lot better than I expected. She weighed in at 26.6 lbs and measured 33 inches long which equates to 75% in weight and 85% for height. She received 2 shots and will be going back in a few weeks for the flu shot and the H1N1 vaccine as recommended by our pediatrician.

Sarah’s Weekend Alone

Sunday, October 4th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Blanka and I left Sarah alone for the weekend for the first time in her short life. We were invited up to Vermont to celebrate the marriage of my coworker. We were hesitant to leave Sarah, but the 5 hour drive would’ve been too much and we didn’t have plans, nor the time to sightsee or do any touristy stuff while up there.

We knew Sarah would be in good hands with my the grandparents, but we still were nervous about leaving her. I was afraid of Blanka’s reaction when we said our goodbyes, but strangely enough, there were no tears or anything else.

We spent the the weekend up in Vermont and had a good time at the wedding. We missed Sarah very much, but the time went by very quickly. Friday night we left NY, Sunday morning, we left VT. By late Sunday afternoon, we were all back together. Sarah was happy to see us and we were ecstatic to see her. No love lost, no problems, no issues whatsoever. I think we might have to schedule more weekends away for us so that Blanka and I can get a full night’s sleep.

If you want to read about the VT trip, check out the BOHblog.

Cohen Weekend

Sunday, September 27th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

We drove out to Queens early on Saturday morning to watch a photoshoot of baby Jasmine at the Cohen’s house. My coworker, Agnes, who shot Sarah’s pictures a while back was hired to do the same for Andrew and Angela’s kid. By the time we arrived at 9am, they were already 2 hours into the shoot and you could tell Jazz was very tired, but she hung in there like a trooper. Aliyah also dropped by and we all did our best to keep little Jazz smiling. After the indoor shoot, we all packed up and went to the nearby park where Aliyah and Sarah ran up and down the hill while Jasmine and parents were finishing up the outdoor shots.

On Sunday, we drove out to Queens again, but this time it was to the other Cohen household to celebrate Aliyah’s second birthday. My how time flies. I remember when she was just a tiny baby only a month old when I first met her. We all ate, drank and had a great time. I didn’t take a camera with me (what a shock), but I did take a lot of video which I have yet to edit or even download onto my computer. Pictures can be found on MadisonPoon.com.

So with a full weekend of activities, this was one of two shots I took with my little point and shoot camera.
Josh and YaYa

Sarah showing off her gift from Aliyah’s birthday party.
Sarah Oh

Apple Picking 2009

Saturday, September 19th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

We made our annual trip up to Barton Orchards to get our fill of apple pickin’ fun after filling our stomachs full of Crackerbarrel cookin’. A good time was had by all.

Pics can be found in the gallery section under ApplePicking2009.

Sarah Eating an Apple at Barton Orchards

Polish Festival

Sunday, August 16th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

The entire Oh family headed out to Riverhead, LI, for the 35th annual Polish festival. It was an incredibly hot day in the mid 90’s, but we all had fun walking around and looking at all the vendor items. We stopped off at a Polish restaurant for lunch and air conditioning where we filled ourselves with Kielbasa, potatoe pancakes, pierogies and stuffed cabbage. We then headed back out to meet up with my coworkers who let us know about this cool event.

Pics from the festival are here.

The Oh Family at the Polish Festival

Captree and Robert Moses

Saturday, August 15th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

While mommy was out having dinner with her old coworkers, I took Sarah to Captree state park and Robert Moses state park with the grandparents. This was her first time at a beach and boy did she love being out in the fresh air with the water all around.

Pictures can be found here.

Sarah Oh at the beach

Impromptu BBQ

Monday, August 3rd, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

We had an impromptu bbq on Saturday. Originally, our friends, Steve and Irene were supposed to stop by to check out the backyard, but we thought we’d extend the invite to a few friends. Next thing we knew, we had a full blown party going on in the backyard filled with kids, toys and pools. Sarah had such a great time playing with her friends Maddie and Aliyah that she fell asleep at 7:30pm!

Pictures from the bbq can be found here.

Sarah and Maddie being entertained by Melissa.
Sarah Oh

Kissing “Yah Yah”
Sarah Oh

Broadway Mall

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah went to the Broadway mall today with mommy. She got to play in the children’s play area for a while and did some shopping for clothes. I’m surprised they could fit all the clothes in the car… yeah that’s how much they bought!

Sarah Oh

Sarah Oh

Sarah Oh

Sarah Oh

Sarah and the iPhone

Tuesday, July 21st, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

While staying home on Tuesday, Sarah learned how to turn on daddy’s iPhone. She learned that pushing the home button shows the slider and background image. She then learned that sliding the slider brings up the password page. Luckily, she hasn’t figured out my super secret password. 🙂

Sarah Oh and the iPhone

Dinner with the Poons

Monday, July 20th, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Sarah received a visit on Monday night from aunt Susan, grandma Poon and great grandma Poon. After a long day of shopping at the new Deer Park outlets, they stopped by to check out the new backyard and to dine on some Greek food. We ate outside on a really pleasant night. Sarah even had some salmon for dinner… I guess she enjoyed being fed by grandma Poon. 🙂 After dinner, we exercised off all those calories by running around the backyard chasing after the soccerball. A good time was had by all.

Poon Visit

Poon Visit


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